types of unit testing

Guide About Types of Unit Testing will be discussed in this article. When it arrives to testing, unit testing is the foremost and oldest technique that was created specifically with an emphasis on the code itself. The software teams benefit greatly from this technique, which includes identifying and fixing flaws in the code early on, saving time and money later in the software development life cycle.

Guide About Types of Unit Testing

In this article, you can know about Guide About Types of Unit Testing here are the details below;

In order to ensure that their software is high-quality and bug-free throughout the software development life cycle, businesses must use unit testing (SDLC). Basic unit tests are run close to the source code of an application. These comprise software testing each class, component, or module utilised by your software’s distinct procedures and operations. Unit tests can be carried out quickly and affordably by a continuous integration server.

What is Unit Testing?

What is Unit Testing

Making that the product’s tiniest components, or modules, function as they should is the first phase in software testing known as unit testing.

Early in the software development lifecycle, testers and developers can identify and address system-wide problems by concentrating on specific modules (SDLC).

Manual and automated unit tests are the two basic types.

To validate particular elements of the system under test, both types are employed.

By ensuring that each of the constituent components functions as intended, unit testing increases the efficiency of the programme.

It’s a blank canvas on which to improve tools and boost output.

Unit testing can assess the quality of individual modules by dividing huge programmes into smaller, more manageable components.

This method isolates the software’s component elements and tests each one separately to make sure they all perform as planned.

The initial phase of the software testing life cycle, unit testing, comes before integration tests are run (STLC).

The program’s barely tested portion that can accept input and produce output is checked for accuracy and completeness using unit testing.

The modules and the system are constructed from the integration of these components.

A small team of software developers does unit testing, which comprises analysing each unit before it is integrated into the system.

To identify, evaluate, and address any issues, each unit is tested independently.

It is completed in accordance with the established requirements.

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Types of Unit Testing

There are two types of testing methodologies.

  • Manual unit testing
  • Automated unit testing
  • Several types of unit testing

1. Manual Testing

Because it may detect both blatant and subtle defects, manual testing is one of the most crucial methods of software testing.

A flaw is a discrepancy between what was anticipated and what the software provided.

The bugs were corrected by the coder and given back to the tester for further testing.

Any new software must first undergo manual testing before moving on to automated unit testing.

Although thorough testing takes a lot of time and effort, it ensures that your programme is bug-free.

While knowledge with automated unit testing tools is not required, understanding manual testing techniques is.

Testing software manually, as opposed to automatically, is known as manual testing.

From the perspective of the end user, the tester will manually run each test scenario.

It verifies that the application performs as specified in the requirements document.

Once test cases have been created and run, almost all software projects come to an end.

Types Manual Testing

There are numerous methods for manual testing.

Depending on how it has been tested, each method is applied.

Following are some examples of manual testing types:

  • Testing White Box
  • Testing Types of Manual Testing Black Box Testing Gray Box Testing

Why do we need manual testing?

Why do we need manual testing

New software always has a lot of problems that make life harder for consumers when it is first placed on the market. We must complete one cycle of testing to make sure the application is dependable and bug-free and that we deliver the client with a product that satisfies their needs in order to avoid issues of this nature. When there are no faults in the software, it is significantly easier for the end user to utilise. The test engineer is better able to create useful test cases and deliver fast feedback thanks to manual testing, which puts the programme in the user’s shoes.

Advantages of Manual Testing

  • To find usability and UI issues, the software tester takes on the persona of a genuine user.
  • Easy for novice testers to comprehend.
  • It provides amazing value for the money.
  • It is used to assess GUI designs that change dynamically.
  • It ensures that the programme is completely error-free.

Disadvantages of Manual Testing

  • Test cases cannot be reused.
  • Each new piece of software needs its own set of test cases.
  • This procedure takes a long time.
  • Testers create test cases based on their knowledge and experience.
  • There is no evidence that they have completed all of the tasks.
  • It need a lot of people to complete.
  • It doesn’t test everything that needs to be tested.

As two teams interact, it can be difficult to understand one another’s motivations, which can cause the process to go astray.

How should manual testing be done?

How should manual testing be done

To decide which components of the programme will be examined, the tester will first go over all software-related documentation.

  • The tester now assesses the requirement documents to ensure they satisfy all of the client’s expectations.
  • The tester then creates the test cases in accordance with the requirement definition.
  • Each test case is manually run through either white box testing or black box testing.
  • All problems must be reported to the development team by the testing team.
  • The testing team then retests the programme once the development team has addressed any defective flaws.

2. Automation Testing

Another kind of software testing is automated unit testing, which involves utilising specialised tools to run test scripts automatically. It is the approach that is most commonly used to increase the speed, output, and breadth of software testing.

Although automated tests are substantially more reliable and robust than manual tests, the effectiveness of your automated unit testing depends on how effectively your test scripts have been written. The test automation engineer is in charge of creating a script or employing the appropriate automation testing tools to put the application through its paces during this testing.

Whereas automated testing uses pre-existing software, manual testing uses test cases created by a test engineer. The developer can complete repetitive tasks and other pertinent work thanks to test automation.

Doing the same repetitive actions while conducting testing manually can be tiresome and time-consuming.

With the aid of a computer that automates the testing process, we can swiftly approach the test data, manage the test implementation, and compare the actual output to the anticipated conclusion.

In other terms, we may say that the main goal of test automation is to substitute a system or a technology for manual human labour. That may be argued to be the main objective of test automation.

The automated testing process helps save time by requiring less time for exploratory testing and more time for test script maintenance, all while increasing test coverage overall.

The advantages of using automation testing are numerous and are stated below.

  • Consistency
  • Reusability
  • Less
  • Human Resources
  • Early Bug Detection
  • 24/7 testing

Methodologies for Automated Testing

The test engineer can enhance the quality of the software product being tested by using the three automation testing methodologies and methods listed below.

Methods for Automated Testing using the Test Automation Framework

Advantages of Automation testing

  • As it requires certain personnel, automation testing is more economical than manual testing.
  • When testing is automated, less time is required.
  • Because test cases cover all of the functionality of the application, automation testing is finished.
  • Test cases may be reused across many programme versions as a result of automation.
  • Automation testing improves dependability by finding faults that were previously undetected by repeating test cases in a similar manner.
  • A test may look at how the programme responds to various inputs by repeatedly performing the same procedure.
  • There is no need for numerous employees; one automated testing engineer can do the tasks of several manual testers.

Disadvantages of Automation testing

Debugging is necessary because if a less serious error is not fixed, it could have fatal repercussions. Because expensive equipment is required to test licences, maintenance expenses are considerable. It can be challenging to identify the cause of a failed test case. This requires top-notch testing equipment.

Why Is It Necessary to do Automated Testing?

To implement the automated testing, we needed to make a large financial and resource investment.

Software testing includes automation testing since it produces a superior product while requiring much less time and effort. Because they are not aware of the automated testing process, several companies still test applications manually.

Manual Testing Vs Automated Testing

Manual Testing Vs Automated Testing

It is vital to distinguish between tests that are run manually and those that are run automatically. The following section clearly distinguishes between the testing that was done manually and the testing that was done automatically.

Manual Testing

With the required testing tools, manual testing is carried out manually by navigating through an application or interacting with software and APIs.

As someone must set up an environment and conduct the testing, it is highly expensive. Additionally, because the tester could make mistakes or skip steps in the test script, manual testing is susceptible to human error.

Automated Testing

Automated difficulties, on the other hand, are performed by a computer that executes a test script that has been written in advance.

These exams are far more effective than manual ones. The degree of difficulty of these tests might range from confirming the correct operation of a single method within a class to confirming that performing a sequence of challenging tasks in the user interface consistently produces the same results.

Automated testing is a key component of continuous integration and delivery and is a great way to expand your quality assurance process as you add new features to your application.

Unit Testing Features

Early in the software testing process, a technique called unit testing is used to test each individual part of the programme.

It is an essential part of computer programming and is used to evaluate the various sections of the source code for the finished result.

The following are additional characteristics of this testing strategy:

  • Prior to integration tests, unit tests, sometimes referred to as component tests, are run.
  • It is a component of the test-driven methodology used in software development.
  • To ensure that the code they have created complies with specifications and operates as intended, programmers create and run tests as part of unit testing.
  • Going through the code, examining it, and inspecting it are all examples of unit testing procedures.
  • Automated testing is an excellent benchmark for this kind of unit testing.
  • For this kind of test, manual testing is also an option.
  • Concentrating on and testing each unit takes a lot of effort and patience.
  • Identify and fix software bugs as soon as possible to avoid any major issues.
  • It avoids wasting the time and money needed to find and address the problem at a later, more complicated stage.

Unit Testing Techniques

In the course of using unit testing approaches, three key testing techniques are used:

1. Functional testing Technique

The software’s features are tested by the unit testing team to validate them and make sure the programme functions as intended.

It is known as a “black box test,” and it entails the actions detailed below.

  • Domain Testing for Boundary Value Input
  • Equivalence
  • Partitioning Syntax Checking

2. Structural Technique

Structural Testing, also referred to as “white box testing,” entails creating test cases while having a basic grasp of the architecture and coding of a system.

The development team does this testing using the following methodologies, which need the testers to have a thorough comprehension of the code for test execution:

Path Testing Branch Testing Statement Condition Testing

3. Error-Based Techniques

The best person to keep an eye on any code issues is the person who wrote the software.

Error-based techniques are employed to work on this kind of strategy.

The team can find the program’s errors, flaws, and other discrepancies using these strategies.

The following are examples of error-based techniques:

Seeding Past Test Data for Mutation Testing

Advantages of Unit Testing

Advantages of Unit Testing

  • It enables testing of the software in its individual parts.
  • Checks to make sure the programme code is accurate and of high quality.
  • Prior to the end of the development phase, the team can conduct unit testing.
  • The modular code produced by unit testing makes it simpler to reuse the modules.
  • It streamlines documentation and integration and makes modifications simpler to implement.
  • It facilitates the debugging process.

Disadvantages of Unit Testing

You can’t rely just on unit testing to uncover all the issues in your code.

Integration testing is not done during unit testing because it only looks at the smaller components of a software.

There may be unanticipated variations because the product is not developed and tested on the intended platform.

In order to guarantee that the finished output adheres to the original vision, the unit testing team must exercise strict discipline throughout the process.

Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Unit Testing

  • For its unit testing phase, TDD mainly relies on unit testing frameworks.
  • A unit test framework is used to create automated unit tests.
  • Unit testing frameworks are essential to the approach, even if they are not exclusive to TDD.
  • The next section discusses some of TDD’s advantages for unit testing.
  • Tests are written before code is written.
  • Benefit from frameworks for unit testing.
  • All application classes are put through their paces.
  • Easy and quick integration is now possible.
  • Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development

Method for Effective Unit Testing

  • Make sure the necessary unit tests have been changed if you intend to change the implementation.
  • As though it were actual code, incorporate testing into your development process.
  • As more code is produced without testing, error checking takes an exponentially longer amount of time.
  • For unit testing, distinct cases are necessary.
  • When requirements or features are modified, unit test cases shouldn’t be impacted.
  • For your unit tests, use clear, consistent names.
  • Reduce the amount of testing you do in your code.
  • Before continuing with the next phase of the software development life cycle, problems discovered during unit testing must be fixed.


Even though software development changes often, unit testing is still a crucial part of the testing lifecycle. Throughout the development process, it helps in the early detection of problems. Additionally, it makes sure that no additional “good” code is put to units that already contain “bad” code. It is therefore essential to get knowledgeable about unit testing and include it into your software development process.