MS Excel Interview Questions

Best MS Excel Interview Questions will be explained in this post. To manage a sizable amount of data and carry out simple computations, every employee must be familiar with Excel. As a result, attending interviews prepared with Excel knowledge will certainly improve your interview score. The top 60 excel interview questions and answers were created by the MindMajix content team with the goal of assisting job candidates in aceing their interviews. This blog includes responses to the often requested excel interview questions as well as pertinent photos.

These will enable learning more about Excel procedures, numerous advanced spreadsheet usage, etc. The MindMajix content team has included three sections in this blog by taking into account the various learning levels: Basic For Intermediate-Level For Advanced-Level FAQ’s Tips Hence, depending on your level of expertise, you can skip to that part. Excel Interview Questions: Top 10 Most Often Asked

Top Best MS Excel Interview Questions In 2023

In this article, you can know about MS Excel Interview Questions here are the details below;

1. What Is Microsoft Excel?

What Is Microsoft Excel

It is an application that allows us to organise and categorise data in a number of different ways. Excel allows us to add, move, delete, rename, hide, and show the sheets. A spreadsheet is another name for it. Enroll in “Business Analyst Training” if you want to advance your career and turn into a qualified Business Analyst. This course will help you excel in this field.

2. What do you mean by cells in Excel?

An Excel spreadsheet’s foundation is this. They have a rectangular shape and may store data in the form of text, dates, and numbers In other words, cells are where the rows and columns of an excel sheet meet. Excel contains about 15 billion cells, which makes sense.

3. What is the use ribbon in Excel?

What is the use ribbon in Excel

An excel sheet’s topmost section, the ribbon, contains toolbars and menu elements. A ribbon can be displayed or hidden.

4. What do you mean by cell address?

Cell reference is another name for the cell address. An excel sheet’s cells are located using the cell address. It is made up of the sheet’s row number and cell column alphabet. That implies that every cell address consists of a letter followed by a number.

5. What do you mean by relative reference in excel?

If we copy a formula in the Relative reference type from one cell to another, the cells’ positions will change, but the formula will not. If we wish to employ a single formula over numerous rows, we can do so by using relative referencing. The following example demonstrates how relative referencing works. The formula for adding A2 and B2 is found in cell C2 of the spreadsheet. It uses the values from cells A2 and B2 for this procedure. The formula remains the same when transferred to other cells, such as C3 and E4, however the values are obtained from A3 and B3 for additional results in C3. In a similar manner, the values from A4 and B4 are combined to get the results in E4.

6. What do you understand by absolute referencing in excel?

It refers to a certain address where copying a cell’s values prevents us from seeing their contents. While working with Excel formulae and functions, it means that the references must remain the same.

7. What is the order of operations performed in excel to evaluate a formula?

  • The execution order is followed to assess a formula.
  • brackets or parentheses
  • Exponent
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Addition


8. What is the use of the VLOOKUP function?

From the data columns, it vertically looks for values. A value from a separate column in the same row is also returned.

9. What are the different report formats available in excel?

  • Compact
  • Report
  • Tabular

10. Name the different data formats available in excel.

  • Number
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Percentage
  • Text formats

11. What do you mean by pivot table in Excel?

It is a simple tool for summarising, calculating, and evaluating data. We can effectively compare data and find patterns using pivot tables. PowerPivot Data Model Creation in Excel 2013 is a Related Article.

12. List the crucial features of pivot tables

  • Setting the Grouping Value field
  • Filtering at the top and bottom
  • Slicers and timelines
  • power turn

13. What are the different functions used in excel?

SQRT, RAND (), DEGREE, and other financial and mathematical operations AND, IF, FALSE, and TRUE are examples of logical operators. Date and time functions like DATEVALUE(), NOW(), and WEEKDAY() Index match functions like VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH Pivot tables.

14. What are the various logical functions used in excel?

  • NA
  • NOT
  • OR
  • TRUE

15. How would you differentiate a formula from a function?

  • To calculate the excel sheet, we can create a formula.
  • A formula may include a function.
  • The prebuilt Excel code that we can use to perform computations is known as a function.
  • Producing a Power View Report in Excel is a Related Article.

16. What do you mean by array formula in excel?

Instead of processing just one value, an Excel array formula can handle several values. The array formula assesses each value in an array and executes a number of operations in accordance with the conditions stated in the formula.

17. What is the use of SUMIF functions?

To add up values in a range, we can use the SUMIF function. But the most important thing is that they must adhere to certain requirements.

18. What are the two different macro languages used in excel?

Excel uses both XLM and VBA as its programming languages. Here, VBA stands for Visual Basic Applications.

19. What is the use of value, text, value2 in excel?

Within a cell, text displays a string or collection of characters. Value2 is used to represent the cell’s underlying value as an empty cell, an error, a string, or a number. If the cell is formatted as currency, value is utilised to display the formatted currency.

20. What are the different COUNT functions you can use in excel?

Excel includes the following five count functions:

COUNT: This function allows us to count the total number of cells with numbers.

COUNTBLANK: This function allows us to count the blank cells.

COUNTIF: With this function, we may determine the number of cells that satisfy a given requirement.

COUNTIFS: This function allows us to count cells that match two or more criteria.

Excel Interview Questions and Answers at the Advanced Level

21. What are the different charts provided by excel?

Data is represented graphically in charts. Columns, lines, bars, scatter, pie, and many more chart kinds are available in Excel.

22. Outline the different wildcards used in excel?

  • The three wildcards used in Excel are an asterisk, a question mark, and a tilde.
  • A asterisk denotes 0 or more characters.
  • Ex*, for instance, stands for Excel, knowledge, etc.
  • Any single character is represented by the question mark.
  • R?ain, for example, signifies Rain or Ruin.
  • A wild card is identified by the tilde symbol.

23. What do you mean by macros in excel?

What do you mean by macros in excel

A macro is essentially a series of steps or an action that may be repeated many times. A macro can be written, recorded, saved, given a name, and then executed. Iterative procedures are primarily carried out using macros. That implies that we can employ macros to carry out routine tasks and commands. Keep in mind that we can tweak macros to make little adjustments.

24. What is the use of freeze panes in excel?

  • Any row or column can be locked using freeze zones.
  • We can also lock a set of rows and columns.
  • Once locked, even if we scroll down and horizontally, we can still see the locked rows and columns.

25. What is the use of the IF functions?

  • A logic test can be created using the IF function.
  • We can determine whether a condition is true using the IF function.
  • There will be output when the state is true.
  • If not, there will be another output.

26. What is the use of nested IF statements?

One IF function contains another IF function inside of it in nested IF statements. Several conditions are tested using nested IF statements.

27. How would you add a column in a pivot tables?

  • In the pivot table, first select “PivotTable Analyse,” then select the “Fields, Items, and Sets” tab.
  • Choose “Calculated Field” from the dropdown menu.
  • An ‘Insert Calculated Field’ window will appear.
  • The formula and column name can both be entered here.
  • Click OK and ADD to finish.
  • A new column will be added to the pivot table as a result.

28. How does a slicer work in excel?

  • To filter a data set from a vast amount of data, software filters called slicers are utilised.
  • You can comprehend the specifics of the extracted data thanks to Excel’s functionality.
  • Slicers are one-click programmes that swiftly filter data.

29. How would you create a pivot chart?

  • Choose a cell in your spreadsheet to start with.
  • Choose PivotTable Tools > Analyze > PivotChart
  • Then, choose a chart and press OK.

30. What are the uses of Name Box in excel?

  • The count formula can be used.
  • We can carry out a sum operation.
  • We can use VLOOKUP.
  • Using the excel name feature, we can construct constants.

31. Can you provide a dynamic range in the data source of pivot tables?

  • Absolutely, we can offer a dynamic range in the manner described below.
  • To begin, we must use the offset function to define a named range.
  • The pivot table should then be based on the named range.

32. How would you disable the automatic sorting of data in pivot tables?

  • Select the “More Sort Options” button.
  • Right-click on “Pivot Tables”
  • Choose “sort menu”
  • Choose “More Choices.”
  • Deselect “sort automatically” now.

33. How can you protect excel files and workbooks in different ways?

  • An Excel file or workbook can be opened or modified using passwords.
  • A file may be designated as final by us.
  • Following then, no one can alter the file.
  • To access a file, we can employ a digital signature.

34. Which function will you use to find the weekday of a date?

  • The WEEKDAY function can be used to determine the weekday for a given date.

The syntax of the function is as follows:

  • WEEKDAY (Serial number, [return type])

35. What is the use of AND function?

  • In essence, it is a logical function that allows us to test various circumstances.
  • Either true or false will be the AND function’s output.
  • The AND function’s formula is as follows;
  • “= AND (logical1,[logical2]…)
  • Here, logical 1 and 2 reflect the various conditions.

36. How would you use cell references to perform calculations in excel?

When using a formula in a cell, we can include cell references in the formula’s arguments. It allows you to use the formula to do computations while obtaining data from worksheet cells in different rows and columns. MindMajix YouTube Channel

37. How would you add comments and notes to a cell in excel?

  • For commenting
  • Insert the comment by right-clicking the cell.
  • Instead, you can use shift + F2.
  • now add your feedback
  • To close the comment box, click outside the cell.
  • should include notes
  • Insert new notes by selecting “Insert Notes” from the context menu of the cell.
  • Fill out the notes with your information.
  • Click outside of the cell.

38. What are the various errors that may occur in excel?

  • #DIV/0
  • #NAME?
  • #N/A
  • #NUM!
  • #NULL!
  • #VALUE!
  • #REF!
  • ####
  • Circular reference

39. What is the significant thing about the SUBTOTAL function?

Instead of horizontal data, this function is used for columns of data.

Important: Hiding a row while performing SUBTOTAL has no impact on the operation.

40. What are the different VBA procedures used in Excel?

The two types of procedures utilised in Excel are sub procedures and function procedures. Excel Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Users

41. What is the use of what-if analysis tools?

  • These tools are capable of applying various sets of values to various formulas.
  • We can then investigate various outcomes as a result.
  • We can do data experiments, difficult mathematical calculations, etc.

42. what are the critical differences between subroutines and functions in VBA?

  • Functions
  • Subroutine
  • After completing a task, they return values.
  • After completing a task, they typically do not return a value.
  • They function as formulas.
  • They are not immediately applied as formulas.
  • They carry out routine work.
  • Every time we must enter data into the cells

43. Differentiate: ThisWorkbook and ActiveWorkbook in VBA?

The name of the workbook where the code is running is indicated by this workbook. ActiveWorkbook, on the other hand, identifies the active workbook.

44. How do you create named ranges in excel?

How do you create named ranges in excel

  • Choose the range you wish to give a name to.
  • Now pick Formulas and then Create from Selected.
  • Choose the checkboxes in the “Create names from selection” dialogue box.
  • If the table has a header row at the top, pick that row.
  • Choose the top row and left column choices if your document has a top row and column header.
  • Lastly, click OK.

45. How would you create a cell dr4opdown list in excel?

  • Choose the cells that need to contain lists first.
  • Click DATA>Data Validation on the ribbon.
  • Set Allow to List in the dialogue box after that.
  • Type the text or numbers you need to include in the dropdown list after clicking source.
  • Lastly, click OK.

46. How would you apply the same formatting to multiple sheets?

  • To choose sheets, first control+click on the sheet tabs.
  • The chosen sheets will turn white.
  • Any modifications you make to one of the selected sheets will be reflected in the others.
  • Once the format modifications are complete, once more double-click the selected sheets to deselect them.

47. How can you link a cell in excel to a file or webpage?

  • Click the cell that we wish to link to first.
  • On the “insert” tab, select “Link” from the “Links” group.
  • Choose the existing document or website from the “Link to” menu.
  • Choose the file we wish to link by clicking the current folder.
  • We must select a web page by clicking “browsed pages” if we wish to link to it.

48. How would you rearrange columns in an excel sheet?

  • Place your cursor at the top of the column you want to move.
  • Highlight the column
  • Hold the shift button while moving the column right or left.
  • Once you’ve reached the spot where you wish to shift the column, let go of the mouse button.

49. What do you understand about the red triangle at the top of a cell?

It is displayed to stand in for a comment connected to that cell. The comment will appear when we hover the mouse over the symbol.

50. How does INDEX MATCH work in excel?

The INDEX MATCH function essentially combines the INDEX and MATCH functions. When these two functions are combined, they provide a value that is the outcome of the two functions. Keep in mind that although MATCH returns a value based on the position of a cell, INDEX returns a value based on the column and row number.

51. How would you convert an excel file into a pdf file?

  • Choose the Excel section of the spreadsheet you want to edit.
  • Choose the “Export” option from the “file menu.”
  • To customise the PDF file’s properties, select Create PDF and then Options.
  • Give the file a name and click “OK.”

52. How to apply the transpose function?

  • Choose which cells to apply the transpose function to.
  • Transpose is an array formula, thus you must choose the precise amount of cells.
  • The formula “=TRANSPOSE(A1:F5)” can now be entered.
  • You must simultaneously press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
  • The data will then be transposed.

53. How would you pass arguments to the VBA function?

  • A value or reference can be passed as an argument to the VBA function.
  • Take into account the following VBA code.
  • It will display 30 if we pass arguments as a reference.
  • x’s starting value will be modified.
  • If we enter arguments as numbers, it displays 10, but the initial value remains the same.

54. How can you insert a hyperlink in excel?

  • Secondly, pick out the text in the cell that you wish to connect to.
  • Then, hit Ctrl+K.
  • Choose an existing file from the directories or type the URL of a website.
  • To create the hyperlink, click OK.

55. How would you use advanced filters in excel?

  • Choose the information from the Excel spreadsheet.
  • Choose the data tab and then select Sort & Filter.
  • Choose Advanced from the menu.
  • A pop-up window will appear.
  • Choose either the filter or the copy to another place option.
  • Lastly, click OK.

56. How would you filter data in pivot tables?

  • Choose a cell from the pivot table.
  • Choose Insert Slicer from PivotTable analysis.
  • Choose the fields, then click OK.
  • Then, set the slicers on the table according to their size.
  • Choose the items you want to display in the pivot table.

57. Can you write aVBA code for finding the cone volume?

58. What shortcut can you use to apply a formula for an entire column?

The cell’s bottom right corner, which contains the formula, can be double-clicked. If the formula is in the first cell in the column, we can apply the following technique. By choosing the column header, you may choose the entire column. Type Ctrl+Space. To fill the subsequent cells, press Ctrl+D.

59. What filter would you use to analyze a list using a database function?

To evaluate the list, we will employ the advanced criteria filter. This filter allows us to test more than two conditions.

60. Why do we use cross-tabulation in Excel?

The statistical technique used for quantitative analysis is known as cross tabulation or cross tab. This technique can be used to summarise big datasets. This method aids in extracting the crucial information from enormous data sets. The link between various variables can be examined via cross-tabulation.

Excel Questions That Are Most Frequent

1. What are basic excel interview question?

Excel formulas, cell references, data formats, report formats, functions, and basic excel interview questions are all covered. For you to be able to rapidly respond to basic excel interview questions, you must prepare questions and answers pertinent to these themes.

2. What are the basic function 0f excel?

  • Aggregate
  • Sum
  • Count
  • IF

3. How do I prepare for the excel interview?

The most important thing is to understand Excel principles through practical practise. As a result, you can respond to your excel interview questions swiftly and with relevant examples.

4. How to crack an excel interview?

You must be conversant with Excel’s fundamental features if you wish to breeze through an Excel interview. You also need to be conversant with report formats, filters, and functionalities. You will benefit if you are an expert in macros, pivot tables, and subroutines.

The seven fundamental Excel formulas are as follows:

  • SUM
  • IF

6. What is a VLOOKUP in Excel?

What is a VLOOKUP in Excel

Finding a specific value vertically in the table is helpful. Also, given a table in an Excel sheet, we may utilise VLOOKUP to get the precise match as well as the approximative match.

7. How many cells are in excel?

An excel sheet has 10, 48,576 rows, and 16,384 rows.

8. What is a pivottable example?

PivotTable is really just a statistical tool for summarising data in an excel sheet. To provide the appropriate reports, it effectively maintains a vast collection of data. We can execute sum, range, average, and outliers operations using PivotTables. We can, for instance, break into sales by department or assess how well one product is selling in comparison to another.

Tips To Clear Excel Interviews

You must be highly familiar with the fundamental Excel operations, such as creating sheets, tables, and adding rows and columns. Also, you must use filters and formulas carefully. This is because they will contribute significantly to time savings—it goes without saying that every company favours time savings and productivity gains.

Display your knowledge:

  • Take a chance when it comes to questions on advanced Excel usage.
  • Interviewers will be impressed.
  • You briefly demonstrate your knowledge.

Provide current examples:

Real-world examples of the excel application must be included while responding to questions. You can include examples of past projects and works where you used Excel; don’t go into great depth; just describe how you used it and the results.

Be Sincere:

If a question is difficult for you, please be honest and say, “Don’t know,” rather than providing a useless response and wasting the interviewers’ time. Take detailed notes of the questions as you go so that you can recall them later.It will demonstrate your desire to learn novel ideas.


Every employee must possess Excel as one of their fundamental abilities. If you are an excel master, you can undoubtedly increase an organization’s productivity. With the top 60 excel interview questions and answers, we hope this blog was helpful to you. Along with mastering the excel interview questions, online business analyst training will greatly advance your practical experience and skills.For those who want to become experts in Excel application, MindMajix offers training courses on Excel principles.