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Blended Learning: A Board Perspective on How To Run this Program

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Blended learning is becoming more and more popular these days. It’s a method of training that combines face-to-face instruction with eLearning or online instruction. There are many benefits to using blended learning in your company, such as reducing costs, improving employee productivity, and increasing employee engagement.

This article will show you how to integrate blended learning into your company and some of the benefits you can expect. Continue reading to take your learning experience to the next level. Let’s get started!

A blended learning initiative must be part of a larger business transformation strategy.

Before starting with a blended learning initiative, you first need to make sure it’s part of a larger business transformation strategy. This means your company is looking to change its overall approach and culture to improve performance.

For example, if your company is looking to reduce costs, incorporating blended learning into your training program will be great.

It would help if you also thought about the different types of employees who will be using your platform.

Some employees prefer face-to-face instruction; others prefer online courses or lessons. You’ll want to design your blended learning program to accommodate everyone while still providing the best possible training experience.

Blended learning requires changes in instructional design, content development, and workplace cultures.

Instructional Design: When it comes to instructional design, you’ll want to focus on creating a balance between face-to-face and online instruction. You’ll also want to consider how to use an LMS to create a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

Content Development: For content development, you’ll want to create a mix of online and offline content. You’ll also want to ensure your content is regularly updated to be relevant and engaging. This way, employees can learn in the best way for them.

Workplace Culture: Finally, you’ll need to ensure your workplace culture supports blended learning. This means employees should feel comfortable using technology for learning and should be able to access learning content from anywhere.

Be sure you have identified the right metrics for the blended learning initiatives you are trying to accomplish.

The benefits of blended learning will only be realized if you have identified the right metrics for success. These metrics could be anything from improved employee productivity to increased employee engagement.

Without the right metrics in place, it won’t be easy to show the ROI of your blended learning program.

Utilize a learning management system (LMS) like Cloud Academy to manage and deliver your blended learning content. A learning management system (LMS) is a software application that helps you have and track your blended learning program. But before choosing for LMS like Cloud Academy, make sure you check the Cloud Academy reviews.

Blended learning is not a replacement for knowledge transfer but rather an augmentation of it.

In simpler words, it’s not a replacement for traditional face-to-face instruction but rather an addition. This is important to remember because some employees may still prefer face-to-face instruction, and that’s okay.

Blended learning aims to provide the best possible training experience for your employees while reducing costs and increasing employee productivity.


Blended learning is the ultimate solution for all organizations looking to improve employee creativity and productivity. The execution of this venture, however, requires meticulous planning and management. Also, keep in mind that not all employees are the same. Some may still prefer face-to-face instruction, and that is okay.

We hope the article provides valuable insights on how to go about it.

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